Important notes about the SHOP


All you have to do is go to our SHOP ONLINE and select the products you want via the categories, product search or simply by moving around.

However, we would like to provide some useful information at this point, as this is a BETA version that is fully functional, but the background technology/programming still has some hurdles.

The most important NOTES:

This only applies to the English version:

  • You can also order in English, but the product names and descriptions are only available in Portuguese so far. A search with English terms does not (yet) lead to any results.

  • When you finalise your purchase, you will be asked for the collection point you want. Due to a technical error, no collection point is shown in the English version (we're working on it!). In order to complete the purchase, we recommend that you switch to the Portuguese version at this point and complete the remaining steps. It's possible!

General information:

  • Quantity of products displayed
    You can see how many products there are in a category by looking at the number in brackets after the product category. Unfortunately, it can happen that not all products are loaded when you select a category or use the "Back" button. To make sure you get the full selection, we recommend that you reload your browser window after you have selected a category or if you see that the number of products in brackets does not match the number shown in the view.

  • You can only order loose quantities in 1kg increments.
    Explanation: After initially intending to offer small quantities, for example in 100g increments, the biggest problem here is unfortunately the programming in the background. We have therefore decided that orders can only be placed in 1kg increments. Regardless of the technical realisation, this is also more compatible with our basic attitude of being able to offer larger quantities at good prices. However, we ask for your understanding.

  • The FOOD HUB offers smaller quantities!
    But the good news is that every FOOD HUB in our network has a stock of various products (not all of the online shop). This means that when you visit your local FOOD HUB or pick up your order from there, you can easily see what is on offer locally, as this can also be purchased in quantities of less than 1kg. The FOOD HUB is also very grateful for this, as we want to strengthen the region together.

  • Help protect the planet!
    If possible, bring suitable packaging and containers for your FOOD HUBS purchases. The FOOD HUB has a limited supply and, by reusing packaging, we are helping our environment. Thank you.

  • Plastic packaging:
    Whenever possible, we send our average quantities of products (e.g. 5kg) in paper bags. Unfortunately, we have to pack some products in plastic bags, as these products would otherwise be affected during transport due to their consistency.
    However, in the medium term, we are obviously looking for a more sustainable solution to avoid plastic packaging altogether.

  • Register as a customer:
    After your first order in the COLMEIA Shop, you will receive two emails. One with confirmation of your order and the other with the option to create a customer account. From then on, simply use these access details to log in to "My Account" for future purchases.